Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stayed up all night to write 4 short articles Started at 1pm yesterday-finished at 5 am this morning. Now, I need to schedule in novel edits
Spring Cleaning article
That article is about American Idol. When you get to my page would you click on follow and favorite. I hope I'm not being a pest. Thanks.
Associated Content told me I will get paid every time someone views this story, so will you please give it a click. Thanks.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today, thanks to you, I'm up to $3.33 on Suited 101. Please keep reading and commenting when you get a chance.
The Today Show must have seen my article, because they had a segment on this today. LOL Please read and comment if you get a chance.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Up to $3.00. Remember I started out at .24 a month ago. Please go to here, read and comment on one of my articles. 7 to choose from
Received group post from a member of the group--says she's in Wales-mugged lost everything. I recognized the name-ready to help-IT's HACKED
Thanks for Prayers. Daughter's surgery went well. He did a lot of repair. Repaired tear-shaved bone and cleaned up bursa. Still lot of pain
If you like reading reviews of novels here's one I did of Shadow Tag, please leave a comment

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pray for my daughters shoulder surgery tomorrow. Thank you so much.
Inspirational Easter Poem by me--I hope you like it.
Good Morning. Day 4-Lost 1/2 pound.Usually, one of my hardest days. Didn't exercise yesterday, but watched what I ate.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One article written today. Now to clean the bedroom--maybe more--and then exercise. Yea!!!
I'm not sure how Helium pays me, but if you get a chance please click on this article. (Even if you don't have a newborn--LOL)
Does the Bible say anything about Green Living?
Day 3. I'm starting to lose weight just the same way I gained it. 1/2-1 pound a day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Zumba, Hula, Belly Dance + 30 fast moving minutes on the machines. God my exercise for today. Now for my guilty pleasure.
Thanks for reading my articles. I'm up to $2.30 on Suite 101 Haven't written enough articles for the other two sites to make much money.

Monday, March 22, 2010

One more thing: Please pray for Brenda's (my daughter), surgery Friday. Her right shoulder. Thanks.
Done for tonight. Didn't get any D from outside today. Writing that one article wore me out. I hope you get a chance to read it. Nite
Watching "You are What you Eat." The host showed this woman what her 10 Lattes a day are; mixing lard, coffee, sugar and water in a pot.
Pain! Sorry I don't mean to complain; it's keeping me from writing. Bad shoulder spasms and a new pain down the front of my muscle.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My article is rated number one in its category on the Helium site. Please click on this link and read it. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Doc said all was pretty normal. Changed meds around, will see me in two weeks and probably start therapy. Asked about Del being out alone

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Easter Poem is live on Associated Content if you'd like to read it. It's short. Check out my recently published content on AC:

Easter Time is a Time of Renewal
Help me make another $1.20 LOL Here's my first article for Associated Content. Please read it. I get paid per click.
Praise the gauges are working. Thanks for your prayers. Isn't God great!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Need more time. I want to read and learn and explore the internet. I follow link, after link and can't read all that I want. Amazes me.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here's a link to my writing on Suite 101 If you read any of them put your name in the comment section.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I decided I would start some tomato plants in case I get a chance to have a garden. Everyone's laughing at me. Right now I have 200+sprouts
I'm still scanning old videos. So funny. I love it. I've had so much fun during my lifetime.

Friday, March 12, 2010

After 9 and I'm still in the office. I knew I was feeling a little more awake today, but I didn't get any writing done. Cleaned house, a bit
Who-Ahh Found videos I started. Doing a this is your life for each Grandchild--for 16th birthdays I knew I'd started them but I lost them

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still up. LOL I'm watching Bones. I'm really tired though, either the meds, the D deficiency or the operation has really drug me out.
Fighting to stay away from the bed. I'm so tired. Lately, if I make it past six I'm doing well. May not make it that far today.
Who wears Short Shorts? It's beautiful out, but the
rain will be here later.
BIC didn't last long. I spotted a stack of Videos that needed sorted. Almost done with that and then BIC big time.
Sunshine always makes me happy, but the streaks on my dirty windows is disgusting. BIC (but in chair) this morning. See what happens.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My friend Jane Bernard has a neat blog about a different approach to dieting. If you get a chance check her out
Woo-hoo, I've made over one dollar now on Suite 101 check out my profile and articles.
Arm hurt bad all night and pills laid heavy, not digesting well. Heartburn and colon pain. Today is much better.
Going to do my Helium articles and then go lay in my new Hammock. It should be warm enough by then. Take my laptop work on Mirror-mirror.
$3000 dollars later, truck fixed. (Hopefully). Thanks for your prayers. It could have been blown up. Up to $9100 two week total.

Monday, March 8, 2010

So much fun. Chatting with both my kids and video chatting with my hubby. This is one part of this techy stuff I love. They're smart-witty
Please pray for our truck. Pray that it's something minor wrong with it. Del's at the shop now. We can't stand some kind of big expense now.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Del is on his first solo trip. Truck broke down in the fuel island. Lost prime. He got it going but it's acting up. I waved as he went by WV
Blog post-finally the last one was in October. Please let me know what you think. Hint--It's about Jill.

Friday, March 5, 2010

So out of energy. Is it the surgery or Vitamin D deficiency, I just found out I have. Have to take prescrip for it or The Winter Blues.
Got another one from Michael Henson. Don't have any idea who he is, but he has close to 6000 followers.
FaceBook is sending to my email random posts from people I don't know. Is this happening to anyone else?
Overflowing inboxes-I know this happens to most of us. I'm down to 260 in one and 100 in another. The others? LOL
Today Show-featuring doc talking about SAD. I wrote about it week before last.
Anna Miller's blog about "10 Greatest Writers Who Became Famous After Death" Give her a boost Check it out

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Getting ready to go to the Doctor. If you get a chance (and you'd like to), please read my article on the site "Helium"